Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Of and onn

Lately ive been having these on and off feelings about my current relationship. Even though touch measures were introduced to fix things with tha boy, I still seem to feel uncomfortable about the whole thing. Its as if the reason for my failed relationship is somehow beyond my grasp.

There are a couple of possibilities as to what it could be:

1. Could be sth to do with us - me feeling disrespected, neglected etc.

2. The pressure I get from my parents with the awkward suicidal dreams ive been having

3. The fact that i cant seem to pull my career together

4. Of the fact that my friends think the relationship is killing my desire to perform above avetrage

I think it's seroiusly time to start working things out before it is too late. Starting now!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Well yesterday went well. Ended up drinking 2 bottles of wine and marched up and down the street pretending to be a north korean soldier.

Woke up today not that perky any more. Having a hangover seemed to work as a perfect excuse not to study for Gosia - my partner in crime as of yesterday.

Now going home. I should have worked out today but didn't even lift a finger. Well, it seems ill have to postpone that till tomorrow.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Changes incoming

After some time pondering what's wrong with me, I discovered that I must be suffering from some sort of depressive moods, since I'm having those attacks of "i hate all people" sort of thing.

On the other hand, who wouldn't hate all people...

This is what happened. I went to Makro over the weekend to pick up some heavy weight stuff and was in a hurry to be back on time for a birthday party. Waiting at the cash register, the lady before me started arguing over some not sufficiently discounted t-shirt she wanted to buy which in my best guess was not to be discounted in the first place. She finished her big problem with the cash register lady and suddenly the people behind me say "my wife is pregnant, you have to let us go first or we will call the manager". And i'm like WTF!!!! Chosing between two wrongs, I picked the lesser evil and let them go. They get done and it turns out they don't have cash to pay for the f-ing thing. I was about to explode. After 10 mins they get done and I get to be served.
I leave the place and some beggar tags along. AAaaaargh!!!

The party was nice though :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Marazm i dekadencja

Sie obudzilem sie.

Wczoraj widzialem sie z Kwiatkowska i tak porozmawialismy o zyciu i bardzo chcialem wszystkich bloggerow przeprosic ze tak nawalalem prez ostatni czas i to nie jest celowo. No moze troche bo ostatnio poczuwam sie jakbym mial sie zaraz do umieralni wyniesc i czekac jak mala trupia glowka zeby juz byl koniec koncow.

Ktos jeszcze sie zorientowal ze tu sie w ogole cos dzieje?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Party / slumber weekend

We had a party on Friday at our place.

I can really start seeing benefits of having a hugely miniature appartment - people who come in get crammed into a single space where there is nothing else to do but to interact with other people. As an effect - we got drunk - something I knew I was always good at :)

Saturday - 34C - dyyyyyyyyyyiiiing.
Sunday - 33C - dyyyyyyyyiiiiiiing
Monday - 30C - guess :P

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


It's been almost 2 years since I came back from Seoul - still feeling the soul of Seoul inside of me, but it seems lots of things have taken on a different direction than I would ever expect.

Came out to my parents - mommy, daddy I'm gay but I still love you
- we still love you too but get out of our sight you fucking pervert

Tamdiam - a new chapter starts

At the moment I'm doing a phd in economics which is coming through veeeeery veeeeeery slowly and painfully, but things are slowly moving.

Moreover I'm living in Warsaw at the same place I used to for the whole time I was in the city. Got a bf who's staying with me - but shhhhh don't tell my parents about that :PPP

Started a company to see if I'm fit to work on my own or I should rather join a corporation and work like a miner :P

We'll see.